Friday, April 30, 2010

spring 2010

a brief accounting:
i have survived this semester fairly well. i finished everything on time for the first time in my life i think. registered for full time for summer semester... ready to get this done!
i've gone back to being a history major, but now with a business administration minor. it adds one more semester to the timeline, but i think i can live with more self respect with this degree and i think it will get me closer to where i want to be.
still working on plans to move to dallas with saeed. he'll have to move this summer, but i'll have to wait a few months, at least til the middle of the semseter, and then fly back for exams.
also trying to help mom with the big move now that they are finally selling the house and getting on with the plan to live between merritt island and the lake. i've been going through all my stuff that i've let pile up in their attic over the years, trying to consolidate.

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